How To Keep Your Grass Green This Summer


How To Keep Your Grass Green This Summer

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Southern California is already in an extreme heat wave, and it is only June 1!  With this is probably going to mean is that we’re going to need to replace a lot of plants that are going to die over the hot summer.  Is a common occurrence in Southern California, as drought conditions caused severe shortages in water.  While the shortages might not actually seem apparent by looking at the reservoirs, we find that the city and municipal governments begin to conserve water based on projections.  This translates to even if there is still plenty of water in reserve, you cannot legally waste it.  Unfortunately for many of the homeowners in our area, watering your landscaping is considered to be wasteful.  Humans and animals are the most important with regards to conserving water so that they have enough to drink, and our farmers to grow food are also considered to be essential.  In order to ensure that there is enough water to go around for everyone, everything underneath these two groups needs to cut back on the amount of water that is used.  Plants that are installed simply for decorative purposes are not allowed to be watered during drought conditions, and even though these are the very times when excess water is necessary to keep it looking good.  Even though you have invested a significant amount of money in your landscaping, you are forced to simply sit back and watch it wither and die in the heat.  There is another way.


If you would like to allocate resources was a better system, have you considered removing your living grass and replacing it with artificial turf?  While this might seem as though it is counterintuitive, what we are looking at is an investment into the times when the drought conditions destroy our landscapes.  By looking at the current weather patterns, we realize that drought conditions are probably not going to go away anytime soon, and every year it seems as though her temperatures get even hotter.  There is going to be the time when you finally realized that after you have replaced your lawn every year only to have it die off again the next time there is a drought, if you are allocated that money for is the installation of artificial turf in place of living grass you do for better.  This is only from home on aspect, and doesn’t even consider the fact that conserving water during drought conditions is better for the entire community.  This teams that one of the best improvements that you can do your house is to replace your lawn with artificial turf, which will ultimately add more value to the home because it is reducing the amount of maintenance that is necessary in order to keep your lawn looking good, and also actively participating in a conservation effort that will benefit the community.  It’s a win win and can make you money in the long run.
