Younger Home Buyers Prefer Artificial Turf


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Younger Home Buyers Prefer Artificial Turf

One of the more difficult things for many older homeowners to understand is the generational difference between themselves and the buyers who would be potentially interested in their homes in 2021.  As older homeowners begin to put their houses up for sale in order to downsize into a more manageable space, we find that the new generation of potential homebuyers is looking for things that may be foreign to be older generation.  For example, a home that now has the capability to have wifi throughout the entire space is actually a requirement for many people.  Just one generation ago this was perceived as being an upgrade that was nice but not necessary, and today it can be the very thing that causes a potential buyer to walk away from a purchase.  Internet connection is now one of the most basic aspects of most people’s lives, and the inability to connect easily within your own home can be perceived as being something that would break a deal.  Smart homes are the next stage of this, where people expect to be able to control multiple aspects of their home from their phone, and although many people of the older generation of may believe that this is not necessary, the people purchasing the homes feel differently.  One of the more interesting aspects of the generation gap between home owners and homebuyers is artificial turf.  In the past, fake grass was viewed as being a novelty that most people were not seriously consider for large areas within their outdoor space.  People took pride in their lawns, and spend their weekends caring for and mowing the grass that they had cultivated.  Today, young people believe that living grass lawns are a waste of water simply because they are truly decoration.  In areas like Las Vegas where water is at a premium, this thought process runs even deeper.  Grass lawns are viewed by the younger generation as being wasteful, and unnecessary.  Younger generation prefer water smart landscaping that is useful as well as good looking.  For many people, the transition over to an artificial grass lawn is viewed as an upgrade over living grass.  Not only will this upgrade conserve water in the drought areas of the United States, they will also allow for the time it is considered leisure time to not be used maintaining your lawn.  Instead, you are provided the ability to simply enjoy your space without the work that would typically go into it.  Fake grass does not grow and therefore needs no ongoing maintenance to keep its look, and although it may be more expensive to install at the beginning, over time it ultimately saves money by not needing repair or ongoing landscaping.  The younger generation of homebuyers prefers artificial turf over real grass because it appeals to their lifestyle as well as their belief system.  Have you considered upgrading your grass lawn to artificial turf in order to sell your home?
