Artificial Turf Is Smart In Orange County

Artificial Turf Is Smart In Orange County

Climate change is not necessarily just the warming of the oceans, and instead manifests itself as more extreme temperatures in both directions.  What people do not realize is that this is not necessarily going to create completely freezing or completely boiling conditions in order to create disastrous consequences.  A few degrees change in the average temperatures of an area can upset the entire ecosystem that has become stable within that region.  As temperatures begin to swing outside of those that are typically in place, there will be dramatic shifts in the way that the areas look and the animals that can survive there.  Orange County is probably difficult to look at as far as being impacted by climate change in a way that is going to be ultimately disastrous for humanity.  Instead, areas like Orange County will be impacted through the summers getting hotter and the winters getting colder a few degrees, but also because drought conditions that typically impact the area every 10 years or so become more regular.  Long-term residents of Southern California will remember the drought conditions in the seventies and eighties as creating house after house featuring dead lawns.  Once the weather had shifted away from the hot temperatures and the drought conditions lessened, people restore their lawns to their previous lush and green look.  While this is no different than the current situation, what we’ve been noticing as the climate begins to change is that these drought conditions are becoming far more regular.  They’re not happening every 2 to 3 years instead of every decade and this is going to create a situation where people are spending far more money on the care and maintenance of their lawn simply to keep it looking good as opposed to even improving it.  They are forced to let it die door in the watering restrictions and then restore it once the watering restrictions have been lifted, ultimately costing them money that will then be wasted once the next drought conditions began.  Savvy homeowners are now beginning to figure out ways to create a more permanent situation that will last through the drought conditions and not result in and needing to spend money in order to restore all along that will ultimately be destroyed again in only a few years.  They are looking at things like artificial turf and desert landscaping as an alternative to the grass lawns that they have become accustomed to in the past.  Synthetic turf looks and feels exactly like regular grass, only it does not need the water more the care and maintenance that you grass lawn needs in order to stay looking good.  The biggest impact is that because it does not need watering, drought conditions will not have a negative impact that they have on your neighbor’s lawns.  You will maintain a green and lush look while their lawns turn to dry straw.  It is an investment that will pay dividends in the long run.
